Box 2
Contains 267 Results:
Hathorne, E.J. A.L.S. to George Glover Crocker; Boston, 25 April 1889
Regarding report of the question of the grade crossing. 3 p.
Hay, John Milton, 1838-1905. T.L.S. to the Diplomatic and Consular Officers of the U.S. Washington, DC, 29 November 1901
A letter of introduction for George Crocker, who will be traveling to Europe. 1 p.
Hathorne, E.J. A.L.S. to George Glover Crocker; West Seneca, New York, 29 September 1901
Thanking Crocker for his pamphlet: "From the Stage Coast to the Railroad Train and the Street Car". Still visit and enjoy the Pan American. 2 p.
Hayden, Josiah W. T.N.S. to G.P Putnam's Sons; Boston, 18 July 1889
Regarding Crocker's Manual of Parliamentary Procedure. 1 p.
Hamlin, Charles S. T.N.S. to George Glover Crocker; Boston, 10 January 1903
Unable to attend meeting of Thursday Evening Club. 1 p.
Hart, Thomas N. A.N. (in third person) to George Glover Crocker; Boston, 1 January 1901
Thanking Crocker for his transportation pamphlet. 1 p.
Hart, Thomas N. T.N.S. to George Glover Crocker; Boston, 31 October 1901
Regarding pavement of passage at side of Miss Carroll's school. 1 p.
Crocker, George Glover. A.N.S. to Guild, Curtis, 1827-1911.; Boston, 3 December 1897
Inviting Curtis Guild for dinner in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Papyrus Club. At the bottom of same letter: answer from Curtis Guild: his name has been blackballed and feels he should not attend. 1 p.
Guild, Curtis, 1827-1911. A.L.S. to George Glover Crocker; Boston, 3 December 1897
He feels if a man is barred from a club he cannot enter the doors without subjecting himself to unpleasant comments. Grateful for Crocker's efforts. 2 p.
Guild, Curtis, 1827-1911. A.N. (in third person) to George Glover Crocker; [Boston], 22 January [n.d.]
Inviting Crocker to dinner with "The Patriots". 1 p.
Head, Franklin H. T.L.S. to George Glover Crocker; Chicago, Illinois, 4 February 1901
Asking if Crocker will favor an amendment to the Constitution making the president ineligible for a 2nd term and providing for the electron of U.S. Senators by the people. On the letterhead: The National Civic Federation. 1 p.
Hemenway, Alfred. N.S. to George Glover Crocker; [Boston, n.d.]
Accepting invitation to lunch to meet Sir Gorell Barnes. 1 p.
Hemenway, S. (?). A.N.S. to George Glover Crocker; [Boston], 16 February [n.d.]
Accepting an invitation to visit the Veterinary School with Crocker. 1 p.
Hemenway, Alfred. A.N.S. to George Glover Crocker; Boston, 6 January 1900
Thanks for Crocker's pamphlet, and comments. 1 p.
Henderson, Thomas J. A.L.S. to G.P Putnam's Sons; Washington, DC, 22 February 1890
Comments on Crocker's Manual of Parliamentary Procedure. 1 p.
Higginson, F.L. A.L.S. to George Glover Crocker; [Boston?], 23 April 1895
Has laid some propositions before Governor Hunnewell and he wants to meet with Crocker, Mr. Dalton, and Higginson. 2 p.